Monday, September 11, 2006


Maybe Slack is actually a bit of an understatement. I haven't posted on my website in ages, but at least I have something to say now.
Lauryne Grant a friend organised a weekend trip to Paluma. We all stayed at the house that is owned and kept by the JCU. It's basic but lovely. Paluma is such a nice place it's quiet and there is so much wildlife around that you just feel calmer just by being there.
There are especially alot of birds and Tom has just gotten into 'Twitching' which I discovered is just spotting birds and recording where and when you found them. Tom was all set then and was off spotting birds whenever he could. Ben and Jane are also rather Keen and were joining him ocasionally.
The Weekend was great we arrived after a busy day in Townsville (busy even though no-one from paddling turned up to paddle so the morning was a bust), then proceeded to relax and talk the night away. It's really nice to have good friends that you can talk to and go away with and have relaxing weekends. The next day we went out to birthday creek had a swim in the absolutely F*#*&%$ Freezing water (sorry for the expleative but in this case it's justified and nesecary). It was so cold that your feet hurt imediately when you put them in the water. The problem was that they never stopped hurting. Anyway we clambered around in the water for all of about 1 minute then climbed out and shivered on the rocks in the sun for a while. Then we went back to the house packed up and went home. It doesn't sound like a very exciting weekend but it was relaxing and a wonderful place to get away to. The only hitch for the weekend is that I left my Toiletries bag in the house so I have had to buy a new toothbrush.

More Posts to follow soon.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, a good weekend - and 3 new birds ;)

Clwedd may have your bag. If not, he's returning to Paluma regularly 'cause he's running an experiment in Birthday Ck.