Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I know I know, it's a bit early to start sorting out the Holidays for Christmas. I do have a fairly ambitious plan though. A plan to bring people together and hopefully see my whole family and I have Mine own and Mins Holiday times to consider. Anyway with all of this stuff to sort out I thought that the web would be a good forum for everyone to letme know there plans for the holidays. That includes you by the way Dad. What I need is for everyone to leave comments about there plans for the holiday.
My Plans are that I will head down to Sydney/Wollongong a bit before Christmas maybe on the 21st or 22nd hang out have Christmas, then I might go down to Durras on the 1st of Janruary have some fun then fly back to the Ville maybe about the 6th or 7th of Jan.
What do you lot recon.

Note to those that are not family I am still interested in what people might be up to over the holidays so please leave a comment letting us all know what glorius events will fill your time over the Christmas Holidays.



Unknown said...

OK so the first comment is left here by me oh well.
Min's brother is having some family trouble. so she might want to go down to Tasie for a bit through the christmas holidays I will leave more details as I find out what is happening.

Unknown said...

OK so Min's brother Greg seems to be much happier now and things are working better. She might still want to go down to Tassie but there is also a possibility of Greg coming up to the Sydney region for Christmas. I am now planning on heading down on the 16th of December. Maybe head back to T'ville on about the 6th of Jan. After a breif trip to Durras hopefully. Dad can you let me know Alex's and Betty's Ph number.