Monday, May 15, 2006

A walking weekend

The Weekly post relaying my weekend to every one. I seem to be only writing about my weekends. Thats reasonable though I spose as the weekends have been rather busy lately and they have been interesting of sort as well.

The weekend started as all good weekends do on Friday Night with a small get together at the uni bar. Then Went out to dinner at Momo's, which serves decent food and it's not to expensive, with Min and Her friend that came up from Sydney. After that we went to a friend Erika's birthday party which ended up being awesome.

Saturday woke up a little later than the 4:30am that I was ment to be up and drove out to lunch at Bistro 1.

Stoped by a new display house That was energy efficient and water wise it also looked good. Crazy that form and function should go together and actually compliment eachother so well.

Then it was the Relay for Life which went from 3pm saturday until 9am Sunday then I went home and slept until Night time got up made dinner then went back to bed and slept in late. I only just made it to work on time. At least I helped with the fight agianst cancer a bit. I thought that I should as I have just had a skin cancer cut out of my Arm and Jenny our Operations Manager hear at work her husband may have Liver Cancer. So it seemed that raising money for Cancer research was a good thing to do.

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