Wednesday, May 10, 2006


OK. I've been out of contact for a while and that is mainly due to the fact that I had my internet cut off. I'm back now though and I can tell you all about my lastest adventure.
So Min and I went up to a rogaine at Mt Carbine last weekend. It was a Bike and Hike rogaine which ended up being really fun. So you ride along trails and pick up the makers that Appear on the trails and then hike to the markers that are off in the bush. We had entered the 12hr split rogaine with 6hrs on the first day and 6hrs on the second. We drove up to Mt carbine on Friday night after Work and didn't arrive until 12am so got to sleep at about 12:30 or so. We covered about 70 km over the two days and got 460 points. 120 point the first day over 37km then we got our shit together the second day and figured out a decent route and got 320 points the second day over 30km.. Unfortunately I have no picture of the day as I haven't been able to afford a camera yet. but it's the next thing on my list, along with saving up for buying Christian's Rodeo. There were however some lovely views and spectacular landscapes. Especially on the markers that were on the tops of Hills. We also encountered Spear Grass that got as tall as I am and got covered n grass seeds. We got sick of this and decided that for the second day the best way togo would be to stick to the roads and tracks ie stay on the bikes away from the spear grass.
It seems that I wont be paddling in the nationals unless We need more paddlers and I wont be going to Hammo either. The reason for Hammo is that It's going to cost alot prob over $400. so I'll skip that one and get my self the afore mentioned camera. It's ok there are plenty of other regattas through the year.

I hope everyone is doing well out there.

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