Wednesday, January 16, 2008

2007 a Year in Review

One of the interesting things that a blog gives you is a look into your year that has gone. It show easily what has happened and how you felt at the time. In a couple of years time I'll even be able to do a look at the decade that was.

2007 has been a fun year but a busy year. This is evidenced not in the abundance of posts this year but in the dearth of posts to come from me. Well I'll try to rectify that this year but it's already not looking good as I have just started working on another website over at Wordpress. It is the Maggie Island Outriggers Website. We'll see how the posting goes though.

I also didn't get around to participating in rogaines much this year. I did how ever venture out into the bush twice this past year and on one of those occasions I introduced a new person to the sport (Karina for those who are not regular readers). I had a more relaxed time though while rogaining and I never even really went out to push myself, Just get out there get a respectable total and see some of the amazing bush that you get to see with these events.

So you ask if I wasn't posting much here and I didn't participate extensively in Rogaines what was I doing all year that made it such a busy year. There is a twofold answer to this question and that is paddling and working. Work has been pretty full on this year with the centre increasing in size and the admin staff not changing in number. This means that my job has has about the same amount of research work but an increasing load of administrative work. I still enjoy working here and I have gotten to go to some very cool place in this last year but it is getting busier. Speaking of amazing new places and work, my work took me to Papua New Guinea last year and also to Heron Island. These were both fantastic trips and well worth the trip. It would be really interesting to spend more time in PNG but alas I am once again chained to the desk trying to help with the production of another Annual report.

Paddling well what can I say about that. I was more involved in the club in 2007 than I was in 2006. I became part of the committee and I managed to get the club some Marques through a government grant. I also trained harder than in 2006 and managed to get close to the Medal positions (we finished fourth in the last couple of regattas of the season). I'm set to be more involved again as I've put my hand up to be the club Secretary. The club is at a bit of a low point as there are fewer members in the club now than there has been at any time in the last 10 years. On the bright side though we have an enthusiastic committee and we have set up some things that could rapidly grow the club and also help it actually earn some money to be financially viable. More news on this later.

Anyway to 2008 what do I want to achieve this year. Well I have decided to loose a bit of weight. Well I'll probably put it on but I need to loose the fat around the mid section. I think that about 5kg of fat could go to bring me down to a nice healthy shape. My total weight has been changing continuously over the past two years and always in the same direction and that's up. I now weigh in at over 122 kg but I have acttually lost some of the fat on my body. Well I've decided that it's time that I loose the last of the fat. I think I need an aim to help me achieve this so I'm going to get fit and ready for the Hawkesbury Canoe Classic at the end of the year. Now I just need a paddling partner (Hey Glen didn't you say that you'd do it with me), oh yes and an OC2 to do it in, and a support crew (any volunteers). These are just minor details though to be sorted out later.

Lastly I hope everyones 2008 is a great an healthy year.

Cheers Lewis

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