Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Crazy Ideas

I received this little titbit in my ABC news mail and though Now this is a bit of a stupid Idea.

*Pay fat people to lose weight: doctors*

A doctors group has proposed that overweight people be given a $170 subsidy to attend an accredited weight-loss program.

The idea is part of a Federal election wish-list released by the Australian General Practice Network.

The network's Dr Tony Hobbs says the proposal would help address Australia's obesity problem by making it easier for people in lower-income brackets to get help.

"We believe that this will go a long way to helping people get access to accredited weight loss programs where the people will be supported," he said.

"They'll have goals set, they will be expected to come back at the end of the 12-week program and be measured to see whether or not they've been able to succeed with their weight loss program."

So What they want to do is encourage people to get fat then loose weight. Repeatedly!! I know lets increase the burden that overweight people already place on Society. This money that is meant to make the programs more affordable will just make them more popular and then they can raise there fees. Meaning that this handout will just be given to companies and people in an industry that is already more than a little dodgy if you ask me.

If you want to help the community and decrease the incidents of obesity then increase the funding to local community sporting groups and run a campaign where you get a free health check up when you are a member of a local sporting group. This Idea has been thought up on the spot and would probably not work but at least it benefits the whole community and increases participation in sport, increases the activity of the community and provides some regular check-ups for people who are trying to do something for themselves. It's not just providing a handout for fat people who are just not very active.

I am not against overweight people I have the ability to gain weight very easily it's in the Anderson genes. I have however taken up several activities that promote weight loss. long distance sports such as mountain or road biking and Outrigger Canoeing for the upper body. There are sports and activities out there for anyone. So lets encourage activity rather than supporting the Diet industry by throwing wasted money at them.

Look if you agree with me please email the AMA and the Federal Government. Please be polite in any email sent to these addresses. If you don't agree with please leave a comment and explain why. If you have suggestion on a better Idea than mine please leave them in comments as well (I did say mine might not work).


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