Monday, February 18, 2008

New Favourite Beer

I have been testing the waters (or should that be beers) so to speak lately with regards to beer. I have discovered a beer which is definitely my new favourite.

Barefoot Radler

Radler is German for Cyclist. The radler style of beer started out as a shandy. A German publican in Bavaria started serving beer mixed with lemonade to cyclists so that they could have a refreshing beer and still ride home after a couple. The style has evolved from there to be a beer brewed with lemon and lime.

I baulked initially at the claim on the carton "Phenomenally Refreshing". I'm not sure that I would say Phenomenally but it is a light and refreshing brew with a distinct lemon and lime flavour to it. It's only a mid strength which is good as there are fewer hangovers.

I also like the companies ethics. but you can see that on the link above. I heartily recommend this beer to anyone.

Cheers L.

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