Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Finishing the Holidays

Ok so the rest of the Holiday story.
After Christmas Day min and I went to Durras with Dad and Judes. i think that this was exactly what we needed. Glen Kiara Min and I all just chilled out went surfing diving and did a bit of exploring. Read lots of books and caught up on sleep. Min and I had bought an expansion pack for the Settlers of Catan game and we played that a bit, as well as Monopoly and some cards for our nighttime entertainment. Min got to stand up on a surf board and decided that she should become a surfy chick.
After Durras we went back to Wollongong and basically spent a week saying goodbye to everyone and doing dinners and a bit more shopping.
We had a great time and I got to meet mins family, not to mention seeing mum and dad again.

I hope everyone out there had a great holiday season and got prepared for this yeasr to come (even if we are nearly a third through it).

Cheers Lewis

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