big oak flats
Lewis started out a little slow. Got up at 7:30
Breakfast at hotel. Coffee was a bit bad but they had a sign saying ‘don’t complain about the coffee you’ll be old and week one day too’
Drove into Yosemite and were set to go on the Yosemite creek falls walk to upper falls. However I was a bit concerned about our lack of food. I had to force min to buy a pack of 12 “Granola” bars. Min made me pledge that if she was eaten by bears I would be the one responsible.
The walk started off flat but got steep quick when we started heading up to the upper falls. We got spectacular views of the falls from below and above, well half way up any way. With the lower falls and half the upper falls walk we were walking for about 4.5 hours.
We got some amazing views of the valley on the upper falls walk. Min was very glad that I made her take food I was as well for that matter. I had started the walk off with a sore foot and feeling a little faint. After a bit of steep climbing a break to drink water and eat a bar I actually felt much better in the head. What did get worse though was my foot.
After the walk min and I got Cappuccino smoothies. Then we went into the Ansell Adams photography gallery then to the store for a memento or two.
I made min eat something again. Then we decided to head out of the park and maybe do a small walk to see a grove of sequoias on the way out. Saw a mother bear and 2 cubs on the way out.
The ‘small’ walk when we got to the trailhead the sign said it was a 3 hour walk. It was 5 in the afternoon so we really didn’t have time for a 3 hour walk. We said walk in for half an hour then out and home. Well we made it all the way to the Sequoia grove in just over half an hour so we got to see the giants of the forest.
When you’re away from the Sequoias and you see large trees you forget how big the sequoias and Redwoods are. You think to yourself “that is a large tree”. Then you see it next to one of the Sequoias and you realize that the Sequoias are large on a different scale. They make the giants of other forests look small. The largest of the other trees would only be half as high and a fraction of the girth of the Sequoias.
Hotel shower then dinner at the same place as yesterday.
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