This is a before and after image of a Village in Aceh taken from the same spot.
"Mangroves are good things why shouldn't people promote the replanting of mangroves and use popular (if a bit incorect) arguments to promote the need for mangrove" I hear you say. Well I agree Mangroves are good things and there are many reasons to have them from Coastal erosion to fish nurserys, but if you tell people that they will be safe if you plant a few mangroves in front of there village and another Tsunami comes along. The people that are left after the Disaster, will then not believe you about the usefulness of Mangroves and will replace them with a series of cement walls to keep the water out. They will be much less likely to listen in the future when scientist say that we need to keep some habitat for whatever reason even when it's legitamate and urgent.
The thing is most peope will see the usefullness of mangrove and will support the conservation of mangroves for legitmate reasons. There is no need to use rediculas (that will be counter productive in the end) reasons such as protecting you from Tsunamis to sell people on the idea of protecting mangroves.
OK I'm done ranting now, but if anyone wants to read the Papers that i linked to above about the impact on the Acehanise reefs and the usefulness of Mangroves please email me and i will send you a copy.
1 comment:
interesting stuff. i didn't know mangroves debate regarding tsunamis. i wouldnt feel comfortable hiding behind mangroves...
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