Wednesday, August 03, 2011


I have discovered Geoff Lemon. When I say discovered I don't mean found a raw talent and introduced him to the world. It's more in the sense of a great independent writer that is already out there but I'm just reading for the first time.

There is something special when you find a writer that can capture ideas well and express them in a fluent way. I follow Marieke Hardy on twitter and she expressed rather a fondness for his writing.

I then followed a link over to Heathen scripture only to find that Geoffs popularity had risen so much since writing his article titled 'You shut your goddamn carbon-taxin’ mouth' that he had to move his blog over to a wordpress account. I found a sometimes rude but mostly funny blog with some true gems. Anyway shut you carbon taxin mouth and the couple of articles that follow are really quite fun to read. I particularly like the following paragraph that he wrote in his article 'Australiar and the f*cking idiot dilemma'

Net result: people will always sulk about what they’ve got if they think that maybe they could have had something better. But a billion dollars is still a billion dollars, regardless of what-ifs in either direction. A business that is even turning a profit, any profit, is doing well, and should be thankful in the scheme of things. A business turning profits in the billions of dollars should just shut the hell up and eat its ice-cream.

Please head over to Heathen scripture and have a little read.