So every so often on this space on the internet I bang on about Climate Change. The last time was back in November of last year. At that time I had come up with the idea that you really need to relate the global problem of climate change and excess CO2 back to an individual level. You need to say that this is the level of carbon that you produce now and this is what you need to aspire to.
Turns out that someone has approached the problem from this angle. I was looking at tons of CO2, Saul Griffith's looks at it in terms of watts or energy. I think his approach has several benefits as it's not just a climate change issue but it is also a energy security issue and it relates the global problems back to an individuals experiences. It is also a more direct and complete measure of ones impact on the world.
This is a long video (bit over an hour) but a very worth while one. Please take the time to stream/download this and watch it.