Friday, November 23, 2007

Heron Island

So this is a Aerial shot of one of the more famous Island on the Great Barrier Reef

Heron Island

You can see the rather small Island on the left of the Screen surrounded by a cluster of dots. Those dots are photos of the island that people have put on Panoramio a photo sharing site linked to Google earth.

Anyway why am I showing you all this little piece of heaven you might ask? Well I’ve been on Heron Island for a field trip. I went there on the 1st of November and got back on the 14th of November. It was two weeks of boating and diving.

Hmmmmm diving I think I remember what that is it’s that activity where you go underwater and (in my case) work hard. I say this because I was the boat driver for the trip which means that I spent hours sitting on the boat waiting for my divers to come up from their dive. I did get to dive once and test out my regulators that I haven’t used since going to PNG. The gear worked well and I got to see some awesome patches of reef. There was a resident grouper called gus that was about 2m long and about 400 kilos. Also lots of Lion and Parrot fish. I will put some photo’s up on Picassa soon.

I’d never been to Heron ( and it was an excellent opportunity to see the place and experience another (I think the last I haven’t been to on the GBR) research station. The station was huge but on this particular visit it was down to about 30% capacity. There was a fire a few months ago and the place is still in the process of recovering from that ordeal. ( A lot of research and lab equipment went in the fire as well as all of the Laboratory and aquarium facilities. One weird thing though is that the Resort on Heron operates on daylight savings time all year round while the Research station operates on Queensland time all year round which does lead to some miscommunications between the two groups on the Island. Hard to get mad in a place like that though.

The Reefs around heron look to be in very good condition though. The prevalence of disease was at about 1 in 1000 colonies having an instance of some disease. No real bleaching to speak of and the water temperature hasn’t risen as sharply as it has in some of the more northerly reefs. Apparently there has been some instances of bleaching in areas such as Orpheus Island which is much further north and in an inshore environment. (go to Bleach watch if you know of any bleaching occurring. If you want to see what the current conditions on the reef are at the moment you can go to and use the reeftemp tool developed by CSIRO - Also the Coral cover is fairly high up to 90% in some places.

What did happen on heron though is that it got windy. for about 6 of the 12 days I was there, there was 20-30 knot winds with seas to 3m. Nasty conditions for a 6m fibreglass dingy. The time we did get out though were amazing. Blue water gentle breeze and a slight rocking from some gentle waves. Almost heaven.

Not bad work this if you can get it.

Cheers L

Monday, September 17, 2007

OC1 Regatta

I want to Thank Greg and Reece Tudehope for organising a great day. Also Thanks to Karen Bruce for time keeping all day and helping with the set-up. And probably the biggest thanks go to the two people who aren't even part of any paddling club but came along to help out on the day to make sure friends and family could race so thanks Viki and Melinda.
I think that most people had a good day and the racing was good natured and fun. Thanks to all the competitors and I hope to see you on the water again soon.
Now for some results I only went in one race due to me having some crazy type of sleeping sickness. I managed to come third though.

oc1 250m Course

Open Men
Pos Name Club Time
1st Reece Tudehope Mag-Is 1.11.73
2nd Andrew Mitchell Coral Sea 1.25.44
3rd Lewis Anderson Mag-Is 1.27.97

Oops did I forget to mention that there were only 3 people in my race. Still since it is my first ever OC1 race and only like my tenth time on an OC1 I did alright. And 1 minute and 27 seconds seems like ages when you have the flu.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Three Sheets to the Wind

I was curious as to the origins of this saying. It seems to have started out being "Three sheets in the Wind". I found this explanation to be one of the best out there. All explanations had a similar story except a few who referred to Windmills which seems less likely than a nautical explanation.

From Mark Treadwell on .NET Hobbyist Programmer Forum

I guess it would be good to be precise here. Using a square-rigged sailing ship as a reference, a sheet is the line that is attached to the clew (the lower corners of each sail). The sails would be trimmed (adjusted) using the sheets to ensure they remained in the optimal position for the relative wind to generate the best ship's speed. The sheets attached to the courses (lowest and largest sails) had the most adjustment since the sheets (and hence the clews) of the upper sails would be attached to the yardarms below them. Each sail has two sheets. Sometimes the upper topsails and upper topgallant sails don't have sheets; their clews can be permanently fastened to the yardarms of the lower topsail/topgallant yards. For a relatively simple description of most of these terms with some pictures, see

With this as a basis, if a sailing ship's sheets have come loose, the affected course is likely to luff or flap loosely in the wind. The appearance of a ship with luffing sails is one of disarray. The slower a ship goes, the less control you have with the rudder. If you cannot control the ship, you are then at the mercy of the waves. In the worst case, the ship can end up broad or beam to the seas and rolling heavily and .

Hopefully, this explains it a little clearer.

Interesting huh!

Crazy Ideas

I received this little titbit in my ABC news mail and though Now this is a bit of a stupid Idea.

*Pay fat people to lose weight: doctors*

A doctors group has proposed that overweight people be given a $170 subsidy to attend an accredited weight-loss program.

The idea is part of a Federal election wish-list released by the Australian General Practice Network.

The network's Dr Tony Hobbs says the proposal would help address Australia's obesity problem by making it easier for people in lower-income brackets to get help.

"We believe that this will go a long way to helping people get access to accredited weight loss programs where the people will be supported," he said.

"They'll have goals set, they will be expected to come back at the end of the 12-week program and be measured to see whether or not they've been able to succeed with their weight loss program."

So What they want to do is encourage people to get fat then loose weight. Repeatedly!! I know lets increase the burden that overweight people already place on Society. This money that is meant to make the programs more affordable will just make them more popular and then they can raise there fees. Meaning that this handout will just be given to companies and people in an industry that is already more than a little dodgy if you ask me.

If you want to help the community and decrease the incidents of obesity then increase the funding to local community sporting groups and run a campaign where you get a free health check up when you are a member of a local sporting group. This Idea has been thought up on the spot and would probably not work but at least it benefits the whole community and increases participation in sport, increases the activity of the community and provides some regular check-ups for people who are trying to do something for themselves. It's not just providing a handout for fat people who are just not very active.

I am not against overweight people I have the ability to gain weight very easily it's in the Anderson genes. I have however taken up several activities that promote weight loss. long distance sports such as mountain or road biking and Outrigger Canoeing for the upper body. There are sports and activities out there for anyone. So lets encourage activity rather than supporting the Diet industry by throwing wasted money at them.

Look if you agree with me please email the AMA and the Federal Government. Please be polite in any email sent to these addresses. If you don't agree with please leave a comment and explain why. If you have suggestion on a better Idea than mine please leave them in comments as well (I did say mine might not work).


Friday, September 07, 2007


I don't understand why so many people feel the need to protest at the APEC summit. It's a trade summit which is not in itself a bad thing. In fact many of the aims of the group are very admiral. The aims are to promote liberal trade, reduce corruption and set out guideline for greater transparency of Business operations. These are good things weather your in Australia, the US or any of the other countries in the Pacific rim.

The scope of the group as stated on their website is:

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) works in three broad areas to meet the Bogor Goals of free and open trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific by 2010 for developed economies and 2020 for developing economies.

Known as APEC's 'Three Pillars', APEC focuses on three key areas:

The outcomes of these three areas enable APEC Member Economies to strengthen their economies by pooling resources within the region and achieving efficiencies. Tangible benefits are also delivered to consumers in the APEC region through increased training and employment opportunities, greater choices in the marketplace, cheaper goods and services and improved access to international markets.

Trade and Investment Liberalisation
Trade and Investment Liberalisation reduces and eventually eliminates tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade and investment. Protectionism is expensive because it raises prices for goods and services. Thus, Trade and Investment Liberation focuses on opening markets to increase trade and investment among economies, resulting in economic growth for APEC Member Economies and increased standard of living for all.

Business Facilitation
Business Facilitation focuses on reducing the costs of business transactions, improving access to trade information and aligning policy and business strategies to facilitate growth, and free and open trade. Essentially, Business Facilitation helps importers and exporters in Asia Pacific meet and conduct business more efficiently, thus reducing costs of production and leading to increased trade, cheaper goods and services and more employment opportunities due to an expanded economy.

Economic and Technical Cooperation (ECOTECH)
ECOTECH is dedicated to providing training and cooperation to build capacities in all APEC Member Economies to take advantage of global trade and the New Economy. This area builds capacity at the institutional and personal level to assist APEC Member Economies and its people gain the necessary skills to meet their economic potential.

None of this is evil or bad the are just trying to promote development and co-operation between the countries to benefit all of the countries involved.

Most of the protest don't seem to be aimed at APEC itself though. Most protests seem to be aimed at the president of the US. Fair enough his government has not been good for the US or many other places in the world, and it certainly hasn't been good for the international reputation of the US and it's citizens. Maybe we could leave these protest for another time though. A time when he's involved in something evil like taking over a small island nation.

Australians though have more pressing issues to protest about. We have issues that affect us directly such as the Industrial relations system that our government has brought in,he fact that this Australian Government has increased the Gap between rich and poor the highest levels ever and seems to ignore any way to rectify this, or the lack of any coherent and defined stance on climate change from the government.

John Howard has realised that he has left the issue of Climate change to long and now is trying to subvert important international events such as this APEC meeting to show how active he is on this issue. Quite rightly the Chinese President put him in his place and said that the UN was the best forum for anything more than an understanding that climate change is important.

So people please leave the APEC summit alone and concentrate on the problems facing and issues that directly affect the day to day happenings in this country. That way maybe the NSW government and police will not have the nessecary impetus to enact draconian laws and security measures.

I encourage everyone to take an interest in what is discussed in Forums such as APEC but please try not to hinder organisations that might actually do some good. There is already huge amounts of evidence that we need sustainable development in poorer countries to improve the living conditions of the people and take away to root causes of huge Social and Environmental problems.


So I received my Birthday present yesterday. For my birthday Min got me a new Paddle. It's a Xylo Blade again. This time though it is a P2 shape 52 x 18 x 9.25 inches. It has the brown turtle material on the back. It is one of the prettiest paddles I've seen. I'll have to post photo's soon.
Thanks Min.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Time for some Levity

Some one sent me this Joke recently. I think it's a crack-up.

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world.

Those that understand binary.
And those that don't.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

We're One Step Closer to Wireless Electricity

Awesome. I found this on Wired News:

Ugh, what I wouldn't do to rid my house of the snake-like electrical cords coming out of my computer monitor, external drive, laptop, stereo, TV, etc. I'm tired of getting my office chair tangled up with the mess under my desk! Well, my wish for wireless electricity may not be too far off. Researchers at M.I.T. have successfully transmitted enough power across a room to light a 60-watt bulb. They've christened their technique, WiTricity.

According to Leader-Post:

The MIT design consists of two copper coils. One, attached to the power source, is the sending unit. Rather than send out electromagnetic waves, it fills the space around it with a magnetic field oscillating at a particular frequency. The second copper coil is designed to resonate with that oscillating magnetic field. A copper coil within an oscillating magnetic field generates a current, enough, in MIT's case, to power a light bulb.

Power transformers make use of something similar, called magnetic induction, to transmit power between coils over short distances. But those coils aren't designed to resonate with each other. Resonant coupling makes the transfer of energy almost a million times more efficient.

Since the magnetic field doesn't radiate, most of the power that isn't picked up by the receiving unit is bound to the originating coil, rather than being lost into the environment. That also means that this system has a limited range, and the smaller the receiver, the smaller that range is.

I wonder how safe living in a magnetic field is?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Imitators are out there so done be fooled by fakes And No I haven't taken up singing and making records. Though I would probably make more than I do as a Scientist.

Ideas for the Canoe

I've decided that I need to figure out a way to attach a dry bag to the rear deck of the Canoe and then figure out a way to carry Water. Once I have these things I will be able to paddle out to Islands and go Camping. This will be a brilliant way to see more of the Islands along the Queensland coast. Any Ideas about how to store water on the Canoe would be greatly appreciated.


Monday, August 20, 2007


So I have finally taken my OC1 out for a bit of a test run. I paddled from the strand to Magnetic Island to follow Min. She was doing the Townsville to Magnetic Island swim. The Trip there was pretty easy paddle now and then to keep the Canoe moving and keep up with the swimmers. most of the time however I just sat there and cheered on the swimmers. The canoe preformed brilliantly, nice and stable and easy to paddle. The only problem was the probably 60 or so litres of water that the canoe took on in the 2 hour that it took to paddle over to the Island.
So I drained the canoe and left it to dry out once I had gotten to Picnic bay and went to the pub and bought a burger. The paddled her home and immediately dropped it off at the boat builders so that it can be repaired in time for the OC1 series of races that will be happening from September till the End of the year.

Long live the Ando (my canoe)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Canoe Dog and other things

So I thought that I would put up some photo's of some of my recent acquisitions. The First should be my new Canoe as I have had it the longest.

The next is a new addition to The house here. Chloe Mins dog has come to live with us. She is an awesome little dog, very energetic. She can run at 30km/h while towing me on the pushbike, I don't peddle much it wears her out quicker.
Happiness by the way is a ball.
My other recently acquired treasure is my computer which I am putting this in with but people might have to come and visit to see it.


Friday, August 03, 2007

OC1 OC2 Races

So I thought that I would show everyone the Race courses that I am helping to set up. My Outrigger club will be hosting a 1 and 2 man Outrigger canoe regatta and I have just done up the courses on Google earth.

There will be a 250m sprint a 3km short course and a 6km long course race. I'm thinking of going in all three. So if anyone is around come along to the strand on the Tobruk pool end and see the races. 15th of September

Monday, July 30, 2007

End of the season

So it is the end of the paddling season again. We improved allot this year. Our open men's team went from finishing last to coming around 5th each time. We are now only a few minutes away from winning. So I suppose that it's time to get fit for next season.
I will post a longer account soon of my planned outrigging adventures. Also I have been in the Paluma Push and will post some photo's and details of that soon. Then it is sort of time to start thinking about Christmas. I hope that people have some ideas for this year as I am drawing a blank at the moment. Maybe I should take off to another country say Fiji and have a dive and relax in a tropical Paradise (oh that's right I live in a tropical Paradise).

Also soon I will post some photos of Dogs, Canoes and other things that I have acquired lately (the Dog and the house will be posted for you glen).

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Anticipation of Arguments

There is a show that is coming out soon on the ABC. It should give some people some ammunition to fire back at the people who realise that climate change is real and caused by humans. It's just a pity that they will be firing blanks. This show has been aired in the UK already and, Very prominant people in the UK, very smart people in the UK have already written about this show. They have written that while they are happy for discussion and are ready for someone to show them that climate change isn't true they do not want the facts misrepresented. So rather that continue with a poorly written diatribe from me I will present a well written account from some one else.

By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 13th March 2007.

Were it not for dissent, science, like politics, would have stayed in the Dark Ages. All the great heroes of the discipline – Galileo, Newton, Darwin, Einstein – took tremendous risks in confronting mainstream opinion. Today’s crank has often proved to be tomorrow’s visionary.

But the syllogism does not apply. Being a crank does not automatically make you a visionary. There is little prospect, for example, that Dr Mantombazana Tshabalala-Msimang, the South African health minister who has claimed that AIDS can be treated with garlic, lemon and beetroot, will one day be hailed as a genius. But the point is often confused. Professor David Bellamy, for example, while making the incorrect claim that wind farms do not have “any measurable effect” on total emissions of carbon dioxide, has compared himself to Galileo(1).

The problem with “The Great Global Warming Swindle”, which caused a sensation when it was broadcast on Channel 4 last week, is that to make its case it relies not on future visionaries, but on people whose findings have already been proved wrong. The implications could not be graver. Just as the British government launches its climate change bill and Gordon Brown and David Cameron start jostling to establish their green credentials, thousands of people have been misled into believing that there is no problem to address.

The film’s main contention is that the current increase in global temperatures is caused not by rising greenhouse gases, but by changes in the activity of the Sun. It is built around the discovery in 1991 by the Danish atmospheric physicist Dr Eigil Friis-Christensen that recent temperature variations on earth are in “strikingly good agreement” with the length of the cycle of sunspots – the shorter they are, the higher the temperature(2).

Unfortunately, he found nothing of the kind. A paper published in the journal Eos in 2004 reveals that the “agreement” was the result of “incorrect handling of the physical data”(3). The real data for recent years show the opposite: that temperatures have continued to rise as the length of the sunspot cycle has increased. When this error was exposed, Friis-Christensen and his co-author published a new paper, purporting to produce similar results(4). But this too turned out to be an artefact of mistakes they had made – in this case in their arithmetic(5).

So Friis-Christensen and another author developed yet another means of demonstrating that the Sun is responsible, claiming to have discovered a remarkable agreement between cosmic radiation influenced by the Sun and global cloud cover(6). This is the mechanism the film proposes for global warming. But, yet again, the method was exposed as faulty. They had been using satellite data which did not in fact measure global cloud cover. A paper in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics shows that when the right data are used, a correlation is not found(7).

So the hypothesis changed again. Without acknowledging that his previous paper was wrong, Friis-Christensen’s co-author, Henrik Svensmark, declared that there was in fact a correlation – not with total cloud cover but with “low cloud cover”(8). This too turned out to be incorrect(9). Then, last year, Svensmark published a paper purporting to show that cosmic rays could form tiny particles in the atmosphere(10). Accompanying it was a press release which went way beyond the findings reported in the paper, claiming it showed that both past and current climate events are the result of cosmic rays(11).

As Dr Gavin Schmidt of NASA has shown on, five missing steps would have to be taken to justify the wild claims in the press release. “We’ve often criticised press releases that we felt gave misleading impressions of the underlying work”, Schmidt says, “but this example is by far the most blatant extrapolation-beyond-reasonableness that we’ve seen.”(12) None of this seems to have troubled the programme makers, who report the cosmic ray theory as if it trounces all competing explanations.

The film also maintains that manmade global warming is disproved by conflicting temperature data. Professor John Christy speaks about the discrepancy he discovered between temperatures at the earth’s surface and temperatures in the troposphere (or lower atmosphere). But the programme fails to mention that in 2005 his data were proved wrong, by three papers in Science magazine(13,14,15).

Christy himself admitted last year that he was mistaken. He was one of the lead authors of a paper which states the opposite of what he says in the film. “Previously reported discrepancies between the amount of warming near the surface and higher in the atmosphere have been used to challenge the reliability of climate models and the reality of human-induced global warming. Specifically, surface data showed substantial global-average warming, while early versions of satellite and radiosonde data showed little or no warming above the surface. This significant discrepancy no longer exists because errors in the satellite and radiosonde data have been identified and corrected.”(16)

Until recently, when found to be wrong, scientists went quietly back to their labs to start again. Now, emboldened by the global denial industry, some of them, like the film makers, shriek “censorship!” This is the best example of manufactured victimhood I have ever come across. If you demonstrate that someone is wrong, you are now deemed to be silencing him.

But there is one scientist in the film whose work has not been debunked: the oceanographer Carl Wunsch. He appears to support the idea that increasing carbon dioxide is not responsible for rising global temperatures. Professor Wunsch says that he was “completely misrepresented” by the programme, and “totally misled” by the people who made it(17).

This is a familiar story to those who have followed the career of the director, Martin Durkin. In 1998 the Independent Television Commission found that, when making a similar series, he had “misled” his interviewees about “the content and purpose of the programmes”. Their views had been “distorted through selective editing”(18). Channel 4 had to make a prime-time apology.

Cherry-pick your results, choose work which is already outdated and discredited, and anything and everything becomes true. The Twin Towers were brought down by controlled explosions; MMR injections cause autism; homeopathy works; black people are less intelligent than white people; species came about through intelligent design. You can find lines of evidence which appear to support all these contentions, and, in most cases, professors who will speak up in their favour. But this does not mean that any of them are correct. You can sustain a belief in these propositions only by ignoring the overwhelming body of contradictory data. To form a balanced, scientific view, you have to consider all the evidence, on both sides of the question.


1. David Bellamy, 14th August 2004. An ill wind blows for turbines. Letter to the Guardian.

2. Eigil Friis-Christensen and Knud Lassen, 1991. Length of the solar cycle: an indicator of solar activity closely associated with climate. Science, Vol 254, 698-700.

3. Paul Damon and Peter Laut, 2004. Pattern of Strange Errors Plagues Solar Activity and Terrestrial Climate Data. Eos, Vol. 85, No. 39.

4. Knud Lassen and Eigil Friis-Christensen, 2000. Reply to “Solar cycle lengths and climate: A reference revisited” by P. Laut and J.Gundermann. Journal of Geophysical Research Vol 105, No 27, 493-495.

5. Paul Damon and Peter Laut, ibid.

6. Henrik Svensmark and Eigil Friis-Christensen, 1997. Variation of cosmic ray flux and global cloud coverage: A missing link in solar-climate relationships. The Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol 59, 1225-1232.

7. Peter Laut, 2003. Solar activity and terrestrial climate: an analysis of some purported correlations. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Vol 65, 801-812.

8. Nigel Marsh and Henrik Svensmark, 2000. Low cloud properties influenced by cosmic rays. Physical Review Letters Vol 85, no 23. 5004-5007.

9. Paul Damon and Peter Laut, ibid.

10. Henrik Svensmark et al, 2007. Experimental evidence for the role of ions in particle nucleation under atmospheric conditions. Proceedings of the Royal Society Volume 463, Number 2078, 1364-5021.

11. Danish National Space centre, October 2006. Getting closer to the cosmic connection to climate.

12. Gavin Schmidt, 16th October 2006. Taking Cosmic Rays for a spin.

13. Carl A. Mears and Frank J. Wentz, 2nd September 2005. The Effect of Diurnal Correction on Satellite-Derived Lower Tropospheric Temperature. Science. Vol 309, pp1548-1551.

14. B.D. Santer et al, 2nd September 2005. Amplification of Surface Temperature Trends and Variability in the Tropical Atmosphere. Science. Vol 309, pp1548-1551.

15. Steven J. Sherwood, John R. Lanzante and Cathryn L. Meyer, 2nd September 2005. Radiosonde Daytime Biases and Late-20th Century Warming. Science. Vol 309, pp1556-1559.

16. Tom Wigley et al, April 2006. Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere – Understanding and Reconciling Differences: Executive Summary. The U.S. Climate Change Science Program.

17. Geoffrey Lean, 11th March 2007. An inconvenient truth… for C4. Independent on Sunday.

18. Independent Television Commission, 1st April 1998. Channel 4 to apologise to four interviewees in “Against Nature” series. Press release.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Global Warming for Dummies

An interesting argument for all those sceptics that still for some unknown reason are trying to not beleive in Global Warming. Maybe you don't have to beleive.

What can you choose and what can you not choose. What are the risks associated with doing nothing and with doing something.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Sunsetbay Extreme Challenge

Whish me luck everyone I have a 500m sprint and a 12km marathon on Saturday and I have a 39km changeover race on Sunday. Then on Monday I am going to go for a bit of a bike ride to work out the lactic acid. Should be fun and I'll give an update next week.

Cheers Lewis

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A good look at Biofuels

Go to this Story on the Speigel Magazine website and you can read a good in depth look at biofuels and where they are now as well as were they are going.

Friday, April 20, 2007


So I thought that if i didn't say something about my trip to Hinchenbrook soon I never would. Here is a breif description of the trip.
This whole trip really started at the end of last year when I was booking the places on the Island and booking the ferry. Karina (from the latest rogaine) decided much later that she would like to come along on the trip as well. the problem was that by thetime that she got organised the were no places left on the Island over easter (as there are only 30 people allowed on Hinchenbrook at any one time). Easter must just be a popular time.
It all worked out in the end though as Karina was able to get a spot from soome one who cancelled there trip.
Min, Karina and I went onto the Island at about 4pm on Easter friday. We were due to leave the Island on 12pm Easter Monday so there wasn't actually all that long for us to do the walk.
On the first afternoon we walked to Mulligan falls. camped and had a swim. Cooked our food and went to bed. You know the usuall stuff. Through the night though the wind came up and there was a breif storm. Not hard to deal with you reckon. Well it wouldn't have been but since there are three of us and I onld have a two man tent I had brought along my experimental (read unfinnished) Hammock. This brilliant piece of work has yet to be give a fly or water proof covering. So that first night I slept sondly untill 6am when the rain started and I woke up to a wet face and had to quickely put away my hammock and sleeping bag.
The walks through the day were brilliant great scenery and two great people to talk to all day. We took some stunning photo's of the walk and you can see them if you click on the Photo's link on the side bar.
The nights on the other hand we not so fun. My hammock, while comfy, was not condusive to a full nights sleep as for the next two nights it rained at least once every hour and a half. so I didn't get much in the way of sleep. At least I woke the other two up as well because i often had to hide in the tent for a while waiting for the rain to stop.
The second night we stopped at Zoe bay, where there is an awesome swimming spot. and the third night we stopped at Little Ramsey bay underneath the imposing presence of Mt Bowen. The walk from Zoe to Little Ramsey was the longest streatch that we had to do (6Hr) and also involved crossing a swamp through which Karina managed to provide suitable entertainment (ie. falling in sinking up to her knees etc.). Min nearly fell over laughing when Karina sank to her knees in mud then lost her shoes in there as well.

I highly recomend the walk but take awaterproof sleeping vessel.

Why can't I own a Canadian

I saw this on the net and I like it alot. It's a brilliantly written letter to counter the arguments against Gay rights in the US.

Why Can't I Own a Canadian?

October 2002

/Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following is an open letter to Dr. Laura penned by a east coast resident, which was posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as informative:/

Dear Dr. Laura:

Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the other specific laws and how to follow them:

When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15:19- 24. The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?

A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?

Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?

Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?

I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? - Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)

I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.

Your devoted fan,

Hope you like it Cheers Lewis

Monday, April 02, 2007

Adding some spice to life

So i get back from a big weekend regatta in Mackay and the next Morning I wake up to this Warning from BOM:


TSUNAMI THREAT TO EASTERN AUSTRALIA and Willis and Barrier Reef Islands, Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii has detected an undersea earthquake near Solomon Islands and has issued a Tsunami Bulletin.

The earthquake has also been detected by Geoscience Australia.

Willis Island Meteorological station reported NO noticable affect of waves at 9am by which time the Tsunami should have passed. They are checking to see if there has been any affect to beaches.

At this stage the Threat seems to have eased, will maintain the warnings until after any wave may pass near Cooktown after 9.30am.



ORIGIN TIME - 6:40 am EST 02 APR 2007

Based on the magnitude and location of the earthquake, tsunami could start affecting these locations at the following local time:

Cooktown from 0931am 02/04/2007
Cairns from 0949am
Brisbane 1033am
Gladstone 1139am
Mackay 1144am

This bulletin is also available through TV and Radio broadcasts and the Bureau's website at

This Certianly add some spice to your morning

Thursday, March 29, 2007


So the Stern report has been published. This report was charged with reporting to the UK government about climate change it's validity the probable outcomes and ways to avoid the worst of the effects. These are the Key messages from the first section.

Key Messages
An overwhelming body of scientific evidence now clearly indicates that climate change is a serious and urgent issue. The Earth’s climate is rapidly changing, mainly as a result of increases in greenhouse gases caused by human activities.
Most climate models show that a doubling of pre-industrial levels of greenhouse gases is very likely to commit the Earth to a rise of between 2 – 5°C in global mean temperatures. This level of greenhouse gases will probably be reached between 2030 and 2060. A warming of 5°C on a globalscale would be far outside the experience of human civilisation and comparable to the difference between temperatures during the last ice age and today. Several new studies suggest up to a 20% chance that warming could be greater than 5°C.
If annual greenhouse gas emissions remained at the current level, concentrations would be more than treble pre-industrial levels by 2100, committing the world to 3 – 10°C warming, based on the latest climate projections.
Some impacts of climate change itself may amplify warming further by triggering the release of additional greenhouse gases. This creates a real risk of even higher temperature changes. Higher temperatures cause plants and soils to soak up less carbon from the atmosphere and cause permafrost to thaw, potentially releasing large quantities of methane. Analysis of warming events in the distant past indicates that such feedbacks could amplify warming by an additional 1 – 2°C by the end of the century.
Warming is very likely to intensify the water cycle, reinforcing existing patterns of water scarcity and abundance and increasing the risk of droughts and floods. Rainfall is likely to increase at high latitudes, while regions with Mediterranean-like climates in both hemispheres will experience significant reductions in rainfall. Preliminary estimates suggest that the fraction of land area in extreme drought at any one time will increase from 1% to 30% by the end of this century. In other regions, warmer air and warmer oceans are likely to drive more intense storms, particularly hurricanes and typhoons.
As the world warms, the risk of abrupt and large-scale changes in the climate system will rise. Changes in the distribution of heat around the world are likely to disrupt ocean and atmospheric circulations, leading to large and possibly abrupt shifts in regional weather patterns. If the Greenland or West Antarctic Ice Sheets began to melt irreversibly, the rate of sea level rise could more than double, committing the world to an eventual sea level rise of 5 – 12 m over several centuries.
The body of evidence and the growing quantitative assessment of risks are now sufficient to give clear and strong guidance to economists and policy-makers in shaping a response.

This obviously states that global warming is real and is happening. I find it difficult to believe that there are still people out there that refuse to believe that this is a real issue. I suppose that it is just a way of ignoring and inconvenient truth.

This is the link to the stern report. If you have some spare time read it. It has dire warnings in it but also alot of hope and optimism

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Greenpeace are Stupid

Now I have some reasons for the title of this post. The Government has finally come out and decided that they should support Biofuels. Now biofuels in their current form are not the best at reducing CO2 emissions. This is because we are only using 10% ethanol to 90% Petrol mix this is a mix that allows for the fuel to be put strait into cars as they are now with no modification. There is not a huge reduction in the CO2 emitted per unit of fuel when only 10% of the fuel is from renewable sources. the next problem is that our current source of ethanol is from Cane sugar which is a good source of ethanol. There are better ways such as cellulose digestion to produce ethanol which use waste product to produce ethanol. This makes the agricultural side of the production much more efficient. Due to the farm being able to sell sugar and ethanol.
At this point I should say that Greenpeace has come out stating that there is no point in using biofuels like E10 petrol as there are no real CO2 emission reduction.
However Cellulose digestion and some other biofuels are still in the development stages. Either developing the techniques or developing the scale to be able to supply the quantities needed. To enable this development investment is needed and investment will only come when there is a market. Making that market is the job of entrepreneurs and Government. So Greenpeace coming out against or even dismissing the current biofuel market will slow down the development of better biofuels and real savings in CO2 emissions.
Wake up to your self Greenpeace!!!!!!!!!

Crazy working conditions

Louise my boss's PA had a bit of bad news today. A bit before lunch she had to race off to hospital to see her husband. He had been beaten up at work. Pete works for the council as a gardener in Queens Gardens. What follows is no yet verified so don't take it as fact yet. Apperently one of his co-workers has attacked him. From the damage that has been done he must of attacked him with and implement ie large stick or shovel whatever. Pete has been in hospital since the attack and will be flowen down to Brisbane tomorrow morning to have people reconstruct his jaw, teeth etc. Louise is leaving this afternoon so that she can get set up in Brisbane for when pete arrives tomorrow.
Every one here at work hope that all goes well and that Pete is up and well soon.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Cascade Rogaine

So another Rogaine season has started. Min and I had the pleasure of introducing someone to Rogaining. Karina rows with Min for Townsville and JCU Rowing club. She said that she had fun and that it was nice to see a different part of NQ.

We went in the 6 hour event. did a nice leasurely loop around on the South western side of the map. The terrain was gently rolling hills and open woodland. If anyone gets a chance they should definately go and check out the Emerald Creek Falls near Mareeba. It really is lovely countryside

Photo's to come soon

Finishing the Holidays

Ok so the rest of the Holiday story.
After Christmas Day min and I went to Durras with Dad and Judes. i think that this was exactly what we needed. Glen Kiara Min and I all just chilled out went surfing diving and did a bit of exploring. Read lots of books and caught up on sleep. Min and I had bought an expansion pack for the Settlers of Catan game and we played that a bit, as well as Monopoly and some cards for our nighttime entertainment. Min got to stand up on a surf board and decided that she should become a surfy chick.
After Durras we went back to Wollongong and basically spent a week saying goodbye to everyone and doing dinners and a bit more shopping.
We had a great time and I got to meet mins family, not to mention seeing mum and dad again.

I hope everyone out there had a great holiday season and got prepared for this yeasr to come (even if we are nearly a third through it).

Cheers Lewis

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Germany are apperantly getting Monster Trucks Now I thought this would have to be either those large Tractor tyre type cars or they would be a super long truck ie something like a road train. It isn't though they are calling B doubles 'giga-liners' they are only 25m long and has two trailers. they really need to see a real giga liner and come to Aust to see a road train. Those funny Germans always worrying about something.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Now this is Surfing

The music for this is a bit dodgy but it looks like so muck fun.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Hey Everyone,

So I've just had a great holiday with my family. I want to say thanks to Mum and Bernie for putting us up in their house for most of the time (or is that putting up with us). Also thanks to Dad for taking all of his megre holidays to come to the coast to see Min and Myself. Finally thanks to Judes for missing Christmas with her family to come down to the coast.
So some details are in order. Min and I flew down to Sydney in mid december and then a quick trip down to Wollongong to dump our stuff and make some general introductions (Min hadn't met my mum before then we were back off to Sydney for a christmas party with Min's friends. Interesting party good food some drink and stealing presents from each other. By way of explanation there was secret santa but you could either choose a random present from under the tree or steal one from someone else. It made for a fun and long present opening.
After the quick party in Sydney we were off to the mountians to see Min's mum and dad. They were lovely and we stayed in Leura for a couple of days saw them and caught up with the people that Min knows up there in them misty peaks known as the Blue Mountains.
Then it was back to Wollongong and some shopping to finish off getting the christmas presents. Now I have been planning some of my presents for months. For example I bought Mins Digital SLR camera back in November but I had started looking in september so that I knew which one I could afford and which one's were good. I ended up getting the Olympus E500. A middle of the range SLR with a good range of dedicated digital lenses. The other big present I gave was a tree. My stepdad love gardening and he had been searching for a rare plant called a Daintree pine. I did some research and found out that there were no nurseries that sold them in NSW so I contacted a wholesale nursery in Walkamin near Mareeba and then contacted a nursery near mums place and and got them to order a shipment. I then bought the Tree from the nursery in wollongong and got her to hold it for me til the day before christmas. It didn't cost alot but Bernie now has one of only 12 Daintree pines in NSW.
Christmas day was great Glen, Chiara, Dad, Judes, Mum, Bernie and Min were all there and I think everyone had fun. It was good to see people unwrap the presents that I got them. Anyway I will cover the rest of the holidays soon in the next post.