Sunday, April 30, 2006

Rogaines and Paddling

So Plans for the next little while are pretty simple. I need to get ready for a Multisport rogaine next weekend, then train for the National Outrigger Championships that the Maggie Island Club is hosting then Train for the Hamilton Island Race which is 42km long. the Rogaine is in this cool new conservation park called Brooklyn Station Also I need to get some more of this Old Photo project underway before Terry gets back on the 9th of May. Then in My spare time I can finnish my thesis and write papers. Right is a sample of the type of photos that I have been collecting. The Guy in the Photo is Saville-Kent and he was out on the Reef taking photos back in the 1890's on glass slides. Any part of the Reef would have been a rough and ready place back in the 1890's. Oh yes if anyone knows of old photos like this of the reef or the reef hinterland please email them to me.

Inaugural Post

Ok so I am setting this site up as a way for my family and friends to keep up to date with my activities and write comments and short notes to me. In short a way of keeping in touch as I am not the best with phones. Also I can include links and pictures here of things that Interest me or are happening around me. I am going to apolagise now for spelling and grammer errors and then everyone is warned. Also I will probably have a few rants about things that are happening around me. Anyway I hope everyone who visits will find it in someway entertaining and informative.